Your unique business environment will determine whether or not it makes sense for you to consider offering your staff flexible work schedules. Some types of businesses cannot offer this kind of schedule due to the nature of their work. Other businesses consider offering flexible work schedules but find that they hamper the businesses' ability to succeed in the market. For others, flexible work schedules help facilitate employee engagement and productivity. When developing a policy around flexible work, consider the following.
Before moving forward with a flexible work policy, do your best to determine whether such a policy will help or hinder your workforce. It is much easier for people to make a transition from more restrictions to less restrictions, and much harder for them to go from less restrictions to more restrictions. If you decide to move forward with a flexible work policy, determine the purpose of that policy. Are you encouraging your staff to work from home to limit greenhouse emissions? Are you encouraging staff to have time off in the middle of the day to take care of children? Why are you offering your staff this benefit?
Definition of Flexible Work
There are many different definitions of Flexible Work. You may offer your staff a variety of different kinds, or you may choose to offer 1 or 2 depending on the job function. Consider the types of flexible work before deciding on which ones to offer.
As with all things in the world of employment, consistency is key. If you decide to implement a flexible work policy, ensure that there are standard processes for applying and reviewing applications. Make it clear that this type of schedule is not appropriate for all positions, and that applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration the employee's past work performance in addition to the requirements of their job functions.
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