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Hiring: Deconstruct Your Workload


All right, welcome back to my first hire. This section is on deconstructing your workload, or looking at what you do. Here's exactly what we're going to cover in this section. So we are going to define your work capacity in terms of time, energy and action, that we're going to take that information to understand how you're currently spending your time and your energy, and prioritizing the actions that create the most impact and value for your client. And the reason that we do this, before we do anything else related to hiring is that this is like a sorting process. It's like the sorting hat in Harry Potter. Like,

what goes where? What is mine that I need to do? What am I doing that nobody needs to do? What am I doing that I don't need to do that I can have someone else do? Or, and we'll get to this a little bit later down the line. But something to keep in the back of your mind is what can I automate?

Like, what is there a program for that can help me do this without even having to do anything? And we're gonna get into that and then later. So first of all, let's talk about capacity. So your personal capacity, and the capacity of your business is related to these kind of three bay areas. One of those is your time. How much time is there? There's only 24 hours in the day, right? How much time is there? The next piece? Is your energy. How much energy do you have? And in this case, it is what do you do to refill your cup so that you have more energy? And then also, how do you recognize when you need rest, and that you need rest in order for your body to recover, to be in a stable energetic space. The third piece of this is the value and the impact that you are creating. And when I talk about value, I'm talking about the the value that you are bringing to your clients. And that is closely related to the results that you and the problems that you're solving for them. What the what is the value that you're creating for them? How like, in what way? Are you valuable? Is your business valuable to your clients? The other piece of that, because value creation is only one piece of it right? Part of that is what do I give to receive money? Right? What what services or what product am I offering in order to receive financial support? Right? How does that work? The other piece of that, because that isn't all of it right? Is the impact that you are creating. And this is closely related to why you do the work that you do. How and then also that vision that you have for the future, the what is the impact that you're bringing into the world. And so how can we create a business that there's your climb that helps to reinforce your energy and that creates the most value and impact for your clients and for your vision for the world. That's how we're that's the lens through which we are looking at your workload, time, energy value and impact created. We're going to start by talking about time. So the place to start is how much time do I have to work like in in a week Let's just maybe start with a week. Because days can be different day to day, but we generally tend to be similar, right? How much time do you have in a week in order to work? So when I answer this question for myself, I'm like, Okay, we have managed care for 20 hours a week, I can also work early in the morning or after my son goes to bed. So I can have I have enough time in my schedule, in order to probably just work like 40 hours a week, because I have no mom of a toddler. And, you know, that is what it is timewise, right, there are a lot of time limitations on my particular situation, you may not have that it could be that you could work, you know, 80 hours a week, or I've done that in different times of my life, or more than that. So there's, that's the first piece is how much time do I have to work? And then the second piece is, how much do I want to work? Part of this has to do with energy needs, right? If I work all the 40 hours, and I know this from experience, right, if I work all the 40 hours that are available to me, I will not be able to do the same thing the next week. So part of this is about creating a sustainable volume of work for you, that you can do on an ongoing basis, right, so that you're not getting burnt out. So that we can you then out your workload, right? It's not it doesn't have peaks and valleys. we stabilize it. And so when I answer this question of how much time do I want to work, or another way to think about it is, if I'm thinking about a schedule that would be sustainable for me, how many hours does that look like, per week? And don't don't judge yourself for what these numbers are? Right? Like, I got myself right. To think that it only 40 hours is what I have, and then how much you actually want to work is probably more around 20. Right? But, you know, sometimes I go more towards the 40 range. And sometimes I go more towards the 20 range. I try now to only go in the 40 range, when I know that I have the energy for it and the capacity to keep going. Rather than trying to force myself to do that all the time and then burning out and not being able to work. That's the first piece time. How many hours do you have? Then we talked about energy? So what are here, let me move my light you can read energy? What are the things that Phil you're? So what are the things that you do in your business that make you excited? And that give you more energy? And that make you feel good? Right? And then part of that question is, how do you do more of that art? And then have other people do the things that don't fill your cup. So an example in my business is that I really love spending time with clients one on one and helping to solve problems. So I, but I don't love editing the podcast, right? My podcast is called the harvest. And it's all about, you know, helping, helping you get past challenges. And when you're stuck in business while you do. And I love recording it. I love doing the research for it. I love all of that. But I don't want to edit it, it will never get edited and put out into the world if it's my responsibility, right? It's like one of the things that always falls to the bottom of my list. So I have someone who helps me do that podcast editing. She's amazing. And so how do you spend more time on the thing more time on the things that fill you up? And less time on the things that don't really important, important one. Another part of this is when you think about your business a year from now, what do you see? Do you see it being similar to today? Or do You? Are there shifts that you want to create? Is there a new reality for your business that you want to bring into the world? And if there is a new reality for you, that you're trying to create in the future, then how do we support you can make that transition with people, people that you hire, that will help you get there, specifically, right. So for example, in my own business in the last year, it was important for me to have more visibility. And so speaking more was important to me. Writing pitches for articles is important to me, and interviewing on podcasts, bringing people on my podcast to interview. And so going from not doing any of that, to having a system around that required a lot of my time and energy because I didn't have the resources to hire the $10,000, a month consultant, who can do all of that for you, right. I had my own ability. And then I had the support that I had on my team to help. And so I sifted some things over that I was doing that were more administrative, all the Billings stuff and things like that to other people, so that I can focus on getting the word out there about what my business does, and the vision that I'm bringing into the world. So when you think about your business a year from now, is there are there things that are different? And it may be that that nothing is different? And that is okay, you don't have to change anything. But if you're trying to get somewhere, then it's important to think about that, while you're thinking about hiring and and what you want to hire for. Okay. And then this is, this is like, the, this is the nuts and bolts of it, right? So really, what I encourage you to do is get out some paper or open up a Word doc, and I use like a legal notepad. And write down what are all the tasks that you do. Right? What are what, what is everything that you do from I answer emails, too, I write social media posts, do I design graphics, to I invoice clients? Do I update my website to all this everything, everything get as granular as you can with the list, don't go so much that you stop writing the list. And stop writing the list when you feel like it's full and complete. Like it's representative of everything that you do. Don't forget that you're doing planning, you're doing strategy work you're doing your know, you're figuring out the direction your business is going. And that takes brain space that creates value and impact, you may be thinking about creating new offers or creating a new product or redesigning a product. So all of that goes into your tasks. Okay, and you can pause this, take a few minutes, and do that and come back. Or you can keep listening and then do it before you move on to the next section. But I really recommend that you get this list together before you keep going in this course. And because it'll be difficult for you to implement what I'm talking about if you don't already have this, okay. So and then, then you're gonna go through this list and decide which one create the most value and impact for your clients. Your clients, the people that pay that are that you're in a financial, like reciprocal paying relationship with what are the things that you do that create the most impact for them. That's the that's the filter that you're going to use on this list. To help you decide which things other people should do. There's actually two other filters that you can use. One is what on this list takes up a lot of my time. That's a That's an important filter to what's taking up tons of time. And because the things that take up tons of time are not always the things that you should be spending tons of time doing then also what on this list drains my energy the most? Those are some important things to think about. So, what are all the tasks that I do and then use I am energy value and impact to kind of dog year things that either should be passed by you or should be given taller people by you. Alright, I will see you in the next section.


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