Decide what it is you want to bring into this world.
If you have ever considered a freelancing career with a focus on helping people solve HR challenges across myriad industries, you won’t want to miss this episode with Candice Elliot.
Candice Elliot is a human resources strategist with a focus on community-building and teaching. She’s a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources, specializes in California Labor Law, and works with students in her Wholistic HR incubation program. Candice has built these businesses from grassroots in her community, and that community is what has allowed her such success.
She is also expecting her first child (a boy!), and shares with us how she is preparing her business, and her life, for motherhood as a consultant. In this episode, we dive into:
How Candice got her start as a consultant and business owner
What kind of qualifications you’ll need to become an HR consultant
How to find the right clients
Why community is so important to business owners
How to prep your business and clients for your maternity leave
Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
Candice’s business, Fortress and Flourish
Hopkins and Carley Law
Baskin and Fowler Law
Explore more successful freelance careers in our So Ya Wanna Be A… series
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