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Setting & Recognizing Boundaries at the Workplace

Covid-19 changed so many aspects of our lives. It has changed and tested our personal relationships, how we spend our free time, our physical and mental health, society, politics and safety precautions, our jobs, and our personal finances, just to name a few. It has also shifted our need for boundaries in public spaces, as well as at work. You remember the 6-ft social distancing rule don’t you?

Today we’re going to talk about boundaries at the workplace, specifically setting them as well as recognizing them.

Boundaries help establish connections among employees, allowing them to focus on their roles and respect those who are in a higher and lower position. A boundary of respect will enable people to speak up, share ideas, suggest creative solutions to problems without fear of ridicule or embarrassment.

How Business Leaders Can Set Boundaries at Work

As the business leader in your organization, you can set clear boundaries with your employees simply by having and setting expectations.

Before your employee becomes your employee, essentially still a prospective employee, you should let them know everything that you as the leader will do and provide for them, if X, Y, and Z are fulfilled by them.

Let them know what is expected of them when they decide to work for you. Meaning how things are done within the organization, what needs to be done, etc. Further, if they are not ok with those agreements, that’s fine and that they should seek employment elsewhere.

Being transparent with your expectations will help you avoid bringing someone into the organization that isn’t a great fit. This will reduce your turnover rates.

How Employees Are Setting Boundaries at Work and What You Can Do About It

What we’re seeing a lot of these days and hearing is employees being more vocal about not feeling comfortable going back to the office with the virus still looming around us.

Some businesses may be finding that their employees are setting boundaries with workload as well. Meaning some employees are letting their employers know what they are and what they’re not willing to take on.

So what can you do as an employer?

Talking it out is the solution to most things in life and this isn’t any different.

I encourage you to have conversations with your people. Find out what is and what isn’t working for them right now. Always be willing to listen and encourage them to talk about their concerns.

With that being said, you should also know that you may not have the solution right away and that’s ok. Your solution may come through some research and diving deep into the world of google, or it may come with the help of an HR specialist.

Opening up the space around boundaries should be performed in a way that is a conversation and not a top down discussion. This is what I have personally seen to be the most successful in the organizations I have helped.

To work with me on boundary setting or creating and implementing new policies get on my calendar.

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