Watch this video to learn step-by-step how to post your job for free on Indeed, or read a quick summary of how to do it below.
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Candice Elliott works with leaders to co-create organizations where people thrive. She helps establish regenerative work ecosystems by aligning workflow and communication with the values of sustainability, equity and belonging. This model empowers leaders to choose both people and profit, and their teams to feel safety and a sense of meaning.
Her educational background is in HR, Philosophy and Anthropology. She has a Masters in HR from Penn State, the SPHR certification and training in trauma-healing work practices. She loves to give back to her community, and during the pandemic she has supported small businesses and non-profits with 100s of hours of donated consulting support to meet the challenges of the changing world of work.
Steps to Post for Free On Indeed
#1 Login
First you’re going to login to your Indeed portal/account. If you don’t know how to do that, Indeed can help you, they have tutorials.
#2 Post a Job
Once you’re logged in you're going to click on the “post a job” button that can be found on the top right corner of your screen. You will be directed to the “Create a Job Post” page. If this is your first time creating a job on Indeed, you will click “start with a new post”. If you’ve already made one before and you want to use a structure from a previous job post, click “use a previous job as a template”.
Scroll down to the bottom and click “continue”. This will bring you to the “provide basic information” page.
#3 Provide Basic Information
You will fill this section out as it pertains to the job you are looking to fill. Then click “save & continue”. This will bring you to the “Include details” page.
#4 Include Details
The include details page is more in depth about the job role you are seeking to fill. Questions such as, job type, schedule for the job, how many people you want to hire for the role, etc. Click “save and continue”.
#5 Compensation Page
Next is the “compensation” page. Personal opinion, I recommend starting a range, or the starting amount for the role. In this section you will have the ability to fill out other supplemental pay information and benefits. Click “save and continue”.
#6 Describe the Job
Next is the “describe the job” page. Here you’ll be able to upload your job description document if you have one, or you can write it out manually. In this section, you’ll be able to add any additional Covid-19 precautions if you have any. (This is not a requirement). At the end of this page you’ll be able to add any videos or photos of your company. Click “save & continue”.
#7 Setting Your Application Preferences
Next is “setting your application preferences”. This is where you’ll decide your notification preferences, information exchange, and how you want to be contacted. Click “save & continue”.
#8 Customized Prescreening
Next is the “customized prescreening” page. Here is where you can add screening questions, qualifications, etc. TIP: If you’re vetting candidates from multiple platforms be sure to have the same requirements and qualifications on all the platforms. Click “save & continue”.
#9 Review
Next, you’ll review your post and make sure all the information you want on the post is there and correct. Click “confirm”.
#10 Post Your Job For Free
Next is the “sponsor the job” page. I have found that there’s no difference between posting a job with a sponsor and without one.
To post the job for free, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “post without budget” button. You can post as many jobs for free on Indeed (as I’m writing this June 2022).
After you click “post without budget” you’ll be asked a few more screening questions and you’re done! Your job will be posted within 3-5 hours, for FREE!
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Are you ready to Increase your impact and help your bottom line by keeping your people with you for the long run? Check out my Guide to Doing Work Differently and it's 4 leadership practices that treat people as humans not just bots.
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